

certainly familiar your ears to hear this website ->> youtube,. who had never seen the videos from youtube? you can enjoy videos from youtube and you do not need to be a member or in other words create an account on youtube.
youtube was born in the year 2005. was formerly an internet service, which displays the personal video recording every person, who wants to display the video. and now youtube has become very popular and get competition from everywhere.

there are three panels on the top of the youtube site. Home, Videos, and Channels.
the front page when you open youtube. in here we can see some new videos.
show some youtube videos, choose a few categories that you are looking for videos. here are a few selection options.
pages to display video on a particular selection. for example, because the common name of the artist, other types of video and others.

youtube can not be downloaded from its website. to download videos on youtube, can take advantage of services "www.youtubecatcher.com" or youtube downloader software.

16 komentar:

MbahDoyok mengatakan...

nice post sob..

Unknown mengatakan...

I looooooooooooove youtuuuuuuuubbbeee :):)

Ocim mengatakan...

I like youtube very much
because have a lot of great video sharing

Unknown mengatakan...

hello Sob..
blog bagus isi menarik n aq singgah balik disertai follow.dah follow aq lum????ok good luck n God bless U amien...

hendrie k_bejo mengatakan...

keep it up, God Blees' u...

Comeng Balik yo..

pengenpintar mengatakan...

info yg keren sob

bisnisinternetsukses mengatakan...

You tube, yahh, itu sih yang kata olga si antube-antube itu yah, hehehe, jadi pengen belajarB inggris nihhh

reiyo mengatakan...

@Mas Doyok; thanks mas doyok lanjut ea
@Teplok ; I love youtube too hahaha
@Ocim ; iya mas setuju
@Rihar D ; thanks dah blog anda sudah saya follow
@Hendrie ; iya mas beres
@Pengen Pintar; thanks
@Bisnis ; antube antube,, hwhhwwhh

lusiedulink mengatakan...

info ynag mantap

akhatam mengatakan...

wih bagus kang... met kenal aja nih...

roomen mengatakan...

youtube msh favorite roomen

Edi Psw mengatakan...

Koleksi video di yutube emang lengkap.

arizz-media mengatakan...

uapik tenan ....
mantab jaya bro ....

Anonim mengatakan...

yu tub emg ok....

uny mengatakan...

whoez.... tambah sip ae mas..... aio....ajari...

anggi mengatakan...

mantab jaya postingan nya bro.

btw, thx iaa udah ngunjungi blog ane.

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