

have you ever heard the name twitter? certainly, yes. Twitter was launched July 2006. twitter is a free, twitter is micro-blogging or it can be said of a social networking like facebook, with a maximum of 140 characters you can write an article. in Indonesia, twitter, less popular than facebook. twitter user can give updates about what they want, whether it's about us, promotion, and so forth. the American twitter is very popular, equivalent to facebook, twitter has become popular because dapaat in sebaga advantage of free promotion is effective, and in business affiliation and need a significant visit.
Following and Follower very popular term in twitter. Followin adding another member to your friends list. Follower, is you follow the other members to be added in the list. find people (in the menu) to search for your friends.

Update Twitter
On the Home page you see an empty field, there you can write what you think. after writing and then click update.
You can also update information via SMS directly via mobile phones. and not have to bother to internet cafe to update twitter.

9 komentar:

Trend blog mengatakan...

do you have twitter bro..?

hidayat mengatakan...

hey guys don't frget visut my blog ok brooooooooooooooooooo

uny mengatakan...

twittermu opo???

uny mengatakan...

twittermu opo???

uny mengatakan...

twittermu opo???

ade mengatakan...

sorry tadi dc.... komenq sampe 3...

blog buat bloggers mengatakan...

Mantep infomya sob, thank's ya!!!

secangkir teh dan sekerat roti mengatakan...

gak main tuiter,,,!

mas doyok mengatakan...

terimakasih pencerahannya mas

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